Mike with Kids

Mike with Kids
The 3 Amigos! Mike with Sophia & Michael

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Michael

Just wanted to wish you a very Happy 40th Birthday.  I don't actually feel old enough to have a forty year old son but nevertheless you are FORTY. I however still remain the tender age of 29, which is a trick only Mothers know.

There have been notable moments during these forty years such as you polishing the upholstered arms of my brand new furniture with vaseline; helping Gramma put the bassinet together for your new baby sister and it promptly falls to the floor when we put her in it; the black magic marker down the center of our gold kitchen counter top, at least you had it centered. I believe Sophia has already tried that trick - hmmm, I didn't laugh too hard!

I knew about the Juda's window but I didn't know about the Everall's window for a long time. These are only some of the antics throughout the years. I am sure there are many more I don't know about and that is really ok.

I can say that I am very proud of the man you have become. You have always been a loving son and now are a loving husband and Father. You are so good at it!!!!!!  Jana, Sophia and Michael are so fortunate to have you in their lives and you are so fortunate to have such a beautiful family.

Have a great birthday and many more.

Love MOM

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