Mike with Kids

Mike with Kids
The 3 Amigos! Mike with Sophia & Michael

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Birthday MICHAEL GRABER!   I would like to share some stories and confimed that adult content is OK.  
I will never forget my first Michelin Christmas party when the night took us to Cuzzy's bar.  After hours of drinking and shots the conversation turns to our rep in Fargo knowing Phil Hanson, Bills great D-End.  The story goes Kevin, Fargo rep, said he could get Mike fishing with Phil on a trip, to which Mike says, " If you can arrange that I would suck Phil Hanson's Dick!"   Quickly Jana tells him it's time to go and he says goodbye to a chorus of  "what? you would suck his DICK!"  That story is still told at C2 region meetings.  

Then for a Michelin Christmas party the year he joined "Rainbird" he was able to book a "Work" trip back to MN and attend the party.  It was classic to end the meeting early, 2PM, since Mike was in the bar at the hotel ready to start the PARTY.  Only a great manager understands that Mike's return was worthy of 2PM beers!   We drank until the Wild hockey game then continued to party until, well we don't remember??    Again we stilll smile telling that on also!

Final story, Mike is in town for the Bills game.   I meet him along with our rep Ryan from Sioux Falls.  Funny side note is  Ryan is holding his eye and we ask why?  His brother in law got drunk the night before and drank a glass of water that he had a contact in so to see straight he had to cover an eye!   We enjoyed the game and ofcourse the VIKINGS won. That was the last night for him in MN and I can't lie that a tear was in my eye leaving that night!  

Mike was my Michelin big brother and more improtantly a GREAT friend.  I could come to him with questions about work and life.  He is one of the most loyal and postive people I have met.  He loved Jana and being a Dad.   I must say after meeting Jana I'm still curious about how he pulled that off???    I miss ya Buddy and would love you to visit SC.  Imagine the Corbett stories??     HAPPY B-DAY  and may all your ups and downs come between the sheets!

Andy Werner - actually "Michelin Training Developement Manager"  tell Rainbird to suck on that Promo! 

1 comment:

  1. So funny, Andy! I can't recall my exact words that night, but when the Phil Hanson comment came out of Mike I believe it was along the lines of "and that's our cue to call it a night!". Thankfully we lived across the street from Cuzzy's and I only had to pour Mike into an elevator and then into bed. Funny memory! Jana :)
